Know More About WRO India Competition Categories

World Robot Olympiad India, often known as WRO India, is a well-known robotics tournament geared toward schools and young enthusiasts in India. Participants can demonstrate their robotics and problem-solving abilities at this event. The bigger World Robot Olympiad, in which competitors from all around the world compete to design, construct, and program robots to take on particular tasks and challenges, includes WRO India. Along with encouraging invention and creativity, it also promotes teamwork and critical thinking in young people. WRO India is a crucial project for advancing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and igniting in Indian youngsters a love of robots and technology.

It’s Divided into 3 Categories :

  • Future Innovator
  • RoboMission
  • Future Engineer

Future Innovator:

Teams entering the WRO Future Innovators category create a robot that assists in resolving practical issues. Every year, there’s a new subject that’s frequently related to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. Each team investigates the subject and then creates a creative and useful robotic solution. On the day of the competition, they present their project.

Every WRO category has a special focus on learning with robots. In the WRO Future Innovators category, students will focus on developing in the following areas:

  • Research and development: identify a specific problem within the season theme, research, and come up with a creative solution. ;
  • Prototyping: turning your idea into a functional robot solution.;
  • Technical engineering skills: implementing a robotic solution while using different sources of materials; etc.


In the WRO RoboMission category teams design robots that solve challenges on a competition

field. The robots are fully autonomous. For each age group, a new field and mission are developed each year. On the day of the competition, a surprise rule adds a new element to the mission. An extra challenge will test the creativity and quick-thinking skills of the teams at national and international events.

WRO RobotoMission category will concentrate on the following domains such as :

  • Proficiency in general coding and fundamental robotics principles

I.e.,  General engineering abilities (creating a robot with the capacity to lift or push things of specific sizes);

  • Coming up with the best plans of action to complete certain tasks.;
  • Computational Thinking, which includes tinkering, debugging, teamwork, etc.;


RoboMission is divided further into 3 age categories- Elementary, Junior, and Senior. The fields and missions are designed with a growing difficulty and complexity from Elementary to Senior age group.

Lastly, a surprise rule is given to the teams of each category that can change rules or tasks, extend them and even allow for extra or penalty points. Teams will get the surprise rule in writing as well. A coach time may be allowed to explain the surprise rule to the teams.

Future Engineer:

Teams entering the WRO Future Engineers category must concentrate on every aspect of engineering approach. Points are awarded to the teams for creating a public GitHub repository and detailing their workflow. Every three to four years, the particular difficulty will shift. A robotic car competing in the Self-Driving Cars competition must navigate a parkour course on its own. It is altered at random during every challenge round.

Every WRO category has a special focus on learning with robots. In the WRO Future Engineers category, students will focus on developing in the following areas:

  • Use of computer vision and sensor fusion to estimate the state of the parkour and the vehicle itself.;
  •  A working vehicle with open-source hardware such as electromechanical components and controller;
  • Teamwork, communication, problem-solving, project management, creativity.; etc.

Each team in this division is assessed according to several standards that align with tree-scoring rubrics. The weighting and value of the grading rubrics vary somewhat depending on the age range of the students. For example, younger pupils place more emphasis on presentation, while older students place more emphasis on creativity and technical features.

Future Innovator:

Teams entering the WRO Future Innovators category create a robot that assists in resolving practical issues. Every year, there’s a new subject that’s frequently related to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. Each team investigates the subject and then creates a creative and useful robotic solution. On the day of the competition, they present their project.

Every WRO category has a special focus on learning with robots. In the WRO Future Innovators category, students will focus on developing in the following areas:

  • Research and development: identify a specific problem within the season theme, research, and come up with a creative solution. ;
  • Prototyping: turning your idea into a functional robot solution.;
  • Technical engineering skills: implementing a robotic solution while using different sources of materials; etc.


The RoboSport category of the World Robot Olympiad is an exciting and competitive segment that challenges young minds to design, build, and program robots capable of participating in various sports-like games. This category not only promotes robotics and engineering skills but also encourages teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving. Participants in the RoboSport category are tasked with creating robots that can play sports such as soccer or basketball, often with a set of predefined rules. This category combines STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education with the excitement of sports, making it a fun and educational experience for students, fostering their interest in robotics and automation. It’s a fantastic platform for young innovators to showcase their technical abilities and sportsmanship on a global stage


As a component of the worldwide World Robot Olympiad, World Robot Olympiad India is a well-known robotics tournament targeted towards Indian schools and young enthusiasts. WRO India, which consists of three categories (RoboMission, Future Engineer, and Future Innovator), encourages participants to be innovative, creative, collaborative, and critical thinkers while also developing a passion for robotics.