Theme 2025: The Future of Robots

What To Expect? 🤖
The Theme for WRO India Season 2025, The Future of Robots, invites students to explore the rapidly evolving field of robotics and its potential to shape our world. This year, we encourage young innovators to delve into cutting-edge technologies and envision robots that could revolutionize industries, enhance daily life, and tackle global challenges.

Participate In WRO India For Free
Teams of 2-3 Students in the same age group led by an adult coach can choose to participate in any one of the four WRO® Competition categories namely RoboMission, Future Innovators, RoboSports, and Future Engineers, depending on the interests, knowledge and skills, and strengths of the students and coach on the team.
Note: This year, schools registering will enjoy a special incentive: waiver of the registration fee for one team.This exemption is valid for the future innovators category only.
A team shall be considered eligible for this offer only if all the students and their mentor are from the same school.