Theme 2025: The Future of Robots

What To Expect? 🤖

The Theme for WRO India Season 2025, The Future of Robots, invites students to explore the rapidly evolving field of robotics and its potential to shape our world. This year, we encourage young innovators to delve into cutting-edge technologies and envision robots that could revolutionize industries, enhance daily life, and tackle global challenges.

Know More


Participate In WRO India For Free

Teams of 2-3 Students in the same age group led by an adult coach can choose to participate in any one of the four WRO® Competition categories namely RoboMission, Future Innovators, RoboSports, and Future Engineers, depending on the interests, knowledge and skills, and strengths of the students and coach on the team.


Note: This year, schools registering will enjoy a special incentive: waiver of the registration fee for one team.This exemption is valid for the future innovators category only.

A team shall be considered eligible for this offer only if all the students and their mentor are from the same school.

Claim a free team

Plan Your Journey Ahead for the Biggest Robotics Competition in India

Season 2025 Schedule

Season 2025 welcomes all students and coaches with their robotics solutions, parents, and STEM and robotics enthusiasts to a series of robotics events at various stages of progression for different competition categories. The goal is to filter out the best teams and their robotics solutions at virtual, regional, and national level events and present those solutions on a global level.
Find category-wise Last Registration Dates here:
Registration Dates

Here’s the entire season flow and event-wise schedule, which will walk you through all the important events.

Comparison of Rule Changes Across Different Categories for WRO 2025 Season

Category Wise Last Registration Dates

Here are the last dates to register for all the different competition categories. The virtual championship is for the future Innovator category only. The regional championship is only for RoboMission and qualified Future Innovator teams. RoboSports and Future Innovators directly register for entry in the national championship.

Future Innovators: 
Event 1: Closed !
Event 2: Closed !
Event 3: Closed!
Ecent 4:
14 March, 2025
RoboMission: 12 June, 2025
(The last registration for RoboMission closed for each region 1-week before the event date)
RoboSport: 14 August, 2025
Future Engineers:14 August, 2025

Category Wise Last Registration Dates


Virtual Championship

In response to the growing enthusiasm and demand among students, the WRO India Season 2025 Level-1 Virtual Championship will consist of seven virtual events this year, each providing ample opportunities for students to showcase their innovative ideas in the Future Innovators Category.
Aspirants are required to participate in any one virtual event. We encourage early participation as fees will increase with each virtual event. 
Event Timeline:
  • Event-1: CLOSED
  • Event-2: 23 January, 2025
  • Event-3: 02 February, 2025
  • Event-4: 14 March, 2025
  • Event-5: 07 April, 2025
  • Event-6: 06 May, 2025
  • Event-7: 04 June, 2025
The top 400 teams from the Future Innovators Category, as determined by the National Ranking List released after the completion of all virtual events, will progress to the in-person Regional Championships. 

Represent Your City at Our In-Person Regional Events

Regional Championship

The in-person Regional Championship events for WRO India Season 2025 will be held in the months of July, August and September. This year, each Level-2 Regional Championship will span over two days in each city. 
Last Registration Date: 28 August, 2025
(The last registration for RoboMission closed for each region 1-week before the event date)

Bengaluru: ~To be Announced

Jaipur : ~To be

Hyderabad: ~To be Announced

Chennai: ~To be Announced

Ahmedabad: ~To be Announced

Bhopal:~To be Announced

Chandigarh:~To be Announced

Mumbai:~To be

Kolkata:~To be

Delhi:~To be

Regional Championship

Dominate Various Robotics Challenges of WRO India Season 2025

National Championship

National Championship

WRO India Season 2025 National Championship Date and Venue Announcement
Date: 5-7 September 2025 
Venue: ~Delhi NCR
Get Direction
Progressing Teams
RoboMission: Top 100 Teams
Future Innovators: Top 125 Teams
A regional ranking list (city-wise) will be released soon based on the progression criteria announced at the beginning of the season (Stay Tuned to the Updates section)
Directly Entering Teams 
Future Engineers & RoboSports
Last Registration Date: 14 August, 2025 (Only for Future Engineers & RoboSports)

Don’t Miss Out the Opportunity to Represent India Globally!

International Championship

The World Robot Olympiad (WRO) International Championship is a highly anticipated event, bringing together the brightest young minds from around the globe to showcase their robotics prowess. This year, the International Championship will be held in the vibrant city of Singapore.
For more details about the International Championship, participants can visit the official website for WRO Season 2025 International. Here, you will find comprehensive information about the event schedule, participant guidelines, and other essential updates.

International Championship

Don’t Miss Out the Opportunity to Represent India Globally!

Competition Categories & Rules

Different Challenges | Different Age Groups | Different Learnings

Each competition category has its own unique age groups, rules and guidelines, and team compositions that makes the challenges fun, exciting, and super diverse.

All teams should carefully read their chosen competition category’s general rules and guidelines.

Also, read the progression and qualification criteria for your chosen competition category.


A Challenge-based Competition

Age: Elementary: 8-12 | Junior: 11-15 | Senior: 14-19

Team size: 2-3 students in the same age group lead by an adult coach. Teams can also choose to have a team manager and multiple sponsors to fund their projects, registration fees, and overall WRO journey.
Hardware: Free choice
Software: Free choice
Maximum size: Max. 250 x 250 x 250 mm
Characteristics: Build and program a robot that solves challenges on a field.

Students must design, construct and program an autonomous robot that can solve specific challenges on a field. Because the field is set up randomly each round, the robot needs to be able to make its own decisions during the run.


All RoboMission category teams shall start at the regional championship (Level 2) and must qualify per the criteria to participate in the national (Level 3) and international (Final Level) championships.

  1. There shall be 100 slots in total at the national championship for all age group categories.(Elementary+Junior+Senior)
  2. Teams must score at least 33% of the maximum game score to be eligible for progression to the Nationals.
  3. One of every four teams (or part thereof) shall progress from regional (Level 2) to the nationals (Level 3) in each age group.
  4. Unfilled slots at the national championship shall be filled from the national ranking list.
  5. Judges may select Two Robo Siksha Kendra teams and one host school team from each regional event for the nationals.

Entry Point: Regional Championship (Level 2)
Dates: 12 June, 2025
Fee: INR 18000/Team

RoboMission Rules




Future Innovators

Enter at Level 1: Virtual Championship 

Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5

A project-based competition

Age: Elementary: 8-12 | Junior: 11-15 | Senior: 14-19
Team Size: 2-3 students in the same age group lead by an adult coach. Teams can also choose to have a team manager and multiple sponsors to fund their projects, registration fees, and overall WRO journey.
Hardware: Free choice*
Software: Free choice*
Maximum size: Must fit into the allocated space
Characteristics: Develop a robot project that helps solve real world problems.

Students create their own innovative intelligent robotics solution relating to the theme of the season. There is no restriction on the use of materials. This includes free choice of controllers, motors, sensors, etc.

Teams will present their project and their robot model to a group of judges on the competition day. The judges will not only grade the robot solution but will also look at aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship.

For all specific rules and regulations refer to the General Rules for this category.


All Future Innovators category teams shall start at the Virtual Championship (Level 1) and must qualify per the criteria to participate in the regional (Level 2), national (Level 3), and international (Final Level) championships.

  1. Judges carefully evaluate the teams’ projects submittd in the Virtual Championship (Level 1) as per the evaluation rubrics.
    Level 1 consists of 4 Virtual Events
    Registrations for Event-1,Event-2 and Event-3 are closed. 
    Registrations for Event-4 and Event-5 are open at the respective fees.
  2. The top 400 teams from Virtual Championship (Level 1) shall progress to the regionals (Level 2).
  3. There shall be 125 slots in total at the national championship for all age group categories.(Elementary+Junior+Senior)
  4. Teams must score at least 33% of the maximum game score to be eligible for progression to the Nationals (Level 3).
  5. One of every four teams (or part thereof) shall progress from regional (Level 2) to the nationals (Level 3) in each age group.
  6. Judges may select Two Robo Siksha Kendra teams and one host school team from each regional event for the nationals.

Entry Point: Virtual Championship (Level 1)

Event – 1
Dates: 18-26 December, 2024
Fees: INR 6500/Team

Event – 2
Dates: 26 Jan – 2 Feb, 2025
INR 7000/Team

Event – 3
Dates: 5-12 Feb , 2025
INR 7500/Team

Event – 4
Dates:  17-24 March,2025
INR 8500/Team

Event – 5
Dates: 12-20 Apr, 2025
INR 9500/Team

Event – 6
Dates: 11-19 May, 2025
INR 10,000/Team

Event – 7
Dates: 09-17 June, 2025
INR 11000/Team

Please Note: Registration for one team per school is FREE. Steps to register FREE team are mentioned in the registration portal.

Future Innovators

Enter at Level 1: Virtual Championship 

Event 1 Event 2

A project-based competition

Age: Elementary: 8-12 | Junior: 11-15 | Senior: 14-19
Team Size: 2-3 students in the same age group lead by an adult coach. Teams can also choose to have a team manager and multiple sponsors to fund their projects, registration fees, and overall WRO journey.
Hardware: Free choice
Software: Free choice
Maximum size: Must fit in 2x2x2m booth
Characteristics: Develop a robot project that helps solve real world problems.

Students create their own innovative intelligent robotics solution relating to the theme of the season. There is no restriction on the use of materials. This includes free choice of controllers, motors, sensors, etc.

Teams will present their project and their robot model to a group of judges on the competition day. The judges will not only grade the robot solution but will also look at aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship.

For all specific rules and regulations refer to the General Rules for this category.

Future Innovators Rules


Age: 11-19
Team Size: 2-3 students in the same age group lead by an adult coach. Teams can also choose to have a team manager and multiple sponsors to fund their projects, registration fees, and overall WRO journey.
Hardware: Specific LEGO & Official Arduino Controllers
Software: Free choice
Maximum size: Max. 200 x 200 x 200 mm
Characteristics: Teams design 2 robots that compete with robots of another team.

With the WRO® RoboSports category we introduce a fun and exciting game where two teams each have two autonomous robots on the field playing a sports game. There is FREE choice of hardware and software to build the robot, including controller, motors and sensors. In addition, teams can also use a camera of their choice.
The game changes every 3 or 4 years and the current game is Double Tennis. Each year little changes are introduced to motivate the students to keep on developing their robots.

Note: There are some specific hardware restrictions, please refer to general rules and check the update section for the comparision.


All RoboSports category teams start directly at the national championship (Level 3) and must qualify per the criteria for the international championship (Final Level).

All teams will directly participate in the national championship. There will be a maximum of 25 slots.

Entry Point: National Championship (Level 3)
Dates: 14 August, 2025
Fee: INR 18,000/Team

RoboSports Rules

Future Engineers

Age: 14-22
Team size: 2-3 students in the same age group lead by an adult coach. Teams can also choose to have a team manager and multiple sponsors to fund their projects, registration fees, and overall WRO journey.
Hardware: Free choice
Software: Free choice
Maximum size: Max. 30 x 20 x 30cm
Characteristics: Advanced robotics following current research trends.

With WRO® Future Engineers we created an exciting category for older students. With this new format, we want to bring the current research challenge into schools and teach students an engineering workflow by solving real-world-problems. Teams can use any robot, controller and materials that are in line with the regulations.
The game changes every 3 or 4 years and the current game is all about autonomous driving. The challenge is to build a robot with a steering drive that can drive around a track autonomously. Each year little changes are introduced to motivate the students to keep on developing their robots.

For all specific rules and regulations refer to the General Rules for this category.


All Future Engineers category teams start directly at the national championship (Level 3) to qualify per the criteria for the international championship (Final Level).

All teams will directly participate in the national championship. There will be a maximum of 25 slots.

Entry Point: National Championship (Level 3)
Dates: 14 August, 2025
Fees: INR 18,000/Team

Future Engineers

Age: 14-22
Team size: 2-3 students in the same age group lead by an adult coach. Teams can also choose to have a team manager and multiple sponsors to fund their projects, registration fees, and overall WRO journey.
Hardware: Free choice
Software: Free choice
Maximum size: Max. 300 x 200 mm Width & 300 mm Height.
Characteristics: Advanced robotics following current research trends.

With WRO® Future Engineers we created an exciting category for older students. With this new format, we want to bring the current research challenge into schools and teach students an engineering workflow by solving real-world-problems. Teams can use any robot, controller and materials that are in line with the regulations.
The game changes every 3 or 4 years and the current game is all about autonomous driving. The challenge is to build a robot with a steering drive that can drive around a track autonomously. Each year little changes are introduced to motivate the students to keep on developing their robots.

For all specific rules and regulations refer to the General Rules for this category.

Note: There are specific changes in rules of maintaining Github repository. Please refer to the general rules and updates section for the same.

Future Engineers Rules

Ensure You’re All Set to Compete.
Reach Us Out to Verify!

Progression & Qualification Criteria

There are different starting levels, events, and progressions for each competition category. Future Innovators competition category starts at virtual championship (Level 1), RoboMission at regional championship (Level 2), and RoboSports and Future Engineers directly enter the national championship (Level 3).

There’s a unique evaluation rubrics or qualifying criteria to judge the projects and robots in different competition categories to progress.


Virtual Championship (L1)

Judges carefully evaluate the teams’ projects submitted in the Virtual Championship (Level 1) as per the evaluation rubrics. The top 400 teams of the Future Innovators Category will progress to the Regional Championship (Level 2) hosted in different cities in India.


Regional Championship (L2)

The top 125 teams in the Future Innovators and Top 100 teams in RoboMission competition category from all the regional events, will progress to the National championship.


National Championship (L3)

National Championship winners in each competition category will represent India by progressing to the International championship (Final Level).


Become a WRO Champion and Win Exciting Prizes and Much More!

Awards & Accolades

Season 2025 welcomes all students and coaches with their robotics solutions, parents and STEM & robotics enthusiasts, to a series of robotics events at various different stages of progression for different competition category to filter out the best teams and their robotics solutions at a virtual, regional, and a national level to present those solutions on a global level.


Medals & Certificates

At All Championships, virtual, regional, and national, teams will receive 1st, 2nd, and 3rd position awards (Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals for all the students and their coach).

Rest of the participants and coaches get recognition in the following manner:-


Additional Awards


Have Questions About WRO India Season 2025? Ask Our Experts

Webinars & Bootcamps

Season 2025 welcomes all students and coaches with their robotics solutions, parents and STEM & robotics enthusiasts, to a series of robotics events at various different stages of progression for different competition category to filter out the best teams and their robotics solutions at a virtual, regional, and a national level to present those solutions on a global level.

Free Awareness

We invite all the interested students, coaches, parents, and school teachers/principals to join our exclusive webinars to learn more about the World Robot Olympiad.

The Intro To WRO webinar is an engaging session crafted to learn what is required to participate in the World Robot Olympiad, its various competition categories, registration fees, qualification criteria at each progression level, its various benefits, prizes, awards, and recognition.

Webinar Calendar 

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Fill in your contact details to enquire about the World Robot Olympiad India Chapter, its various competition categories, details related to the levels of progression in the season 2025.

If your query is urgent please feel free to contact us at the WRO India Helpdesk

📞: 093194 00171







