Build. Learn. Compete.

Participate in the World Robot Olympiad, an annual thematic International Robotics Competition for students aged 8-19.

20,000+ Teams | 100+ Member Countries | Google (Noto Color Emoji - Unicode 15.0) Competing since 2006

Learn 21st Century Life Skills

Learn the real-world application of Science and Mathematics concepts in a fun-filled manner to develop imagination, problem-solving, collaboration, critical thinking, entrepreneurial skills, and scientific temperament.


Meet like-minded students, share knowledge, and get inspired by their creations.

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Different Age Groups, Different Challenges, Same Excitement!

Competition Categories & Age Groups

Different Challenges & Learnings For Different Age Groups

Each competition category has its own unique age groups, rules and guidelines, and team compositions that makes the challenges fun, exciting, and super diverse.

While Future Innovators category exposes youth to problem-solving, design thinking, and project presentation; RoboMission inspires students to hack their way to solve complex challenges on a playfield (A Game-Mat) using LEGO Robotics kits in a given timeframe.

Future Engineers teaches older students an engineering workflow by solving real-world-problems and RoboSport engages teams in LEGO Education and Robotics in a sporting way.


A Challenge-based Competition

Age: Elementary: 8-12 | Junior: 11-15 | Senior: 14-19

Team size: 2-3 students in the same age group lead by an adult coach. Teams can also choose to have a team manager and multiple sponsors to fund their projects, registration fees, and overall WRO journey.
Hardware: LEGO® based
Software: Free choice
Maximum size: Max. 25 x 25 x 25 cm
Characteristics: Build and program a robot that solves challenges on a field.

Students must design, construct and program an autonomous robot that can solve specific challenges on a field. Because the field is set up randomly each round, the robot needs to be able to make its own decisions during the run.
All parts of the robot, including controller, motors and sensors must be from LEGO® (MINDSTORMS® NXT or EV3, SPIKE PRIME or Robot Inventor).

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Coming soon

RoboMission Rules




Future Innovators

A project-based competition

Age: Elementary: 8-12 | Junior: 11-15 | Senior: 14-19
Team Size: 2-3 students in the same age group lead by an adult coach. Teams can also choose to have a team manager and multiple sponsors to fund their projects, registration fees, and overall WRO journey.
Hardware: Free choice*
Software: Free choice*
Maximum size: Must fit in 2x2x2m booth
Characteristics: Develop a robot project that helps solve real world problems.

Students create their own innovative intelligent robotics solution relating to the theme of the season. There is no restriction on the use of materials. This includes free choice of controllers, motors, sensors, etc.

Teams will present their project and their robot model to a group of judges on the competition day. The judges will not only grade the robot solution but will also look at aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship.

For all specific rules and regulations refer to the General Rules for this category.

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Coming soon

Future Innovators

A project-based competition

Age: Elementary: 8-12 | Junior: 11-15 | Senior: 14-19
Team Size: 2-3 students in the same age group lead by an adult coach. Teams can also choose to have a team manager and multiple sponsors to fund their projects, registration fees, and overall WRO journey.
Hardware: Free choice*
Software: Free choice*
Maximum size: Must fit in 2x2x2m booth
Characteristics: Develop a robot project that helps solve real world problems.

Students create their own innovative intelligent robotics solution relating to the theme of the season. There is no restriction on the use of materials. This includes free choice of controllers, motors, sensors, etc.

Teams will present their project and their robot model to a group of judges on the competition day. The judges will not only grade the robot solution but will also look at aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship.

For all specific rules and regulations refer to the General Rules for this category.

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Future Innovators Rules


Age: 11-19
Team Size: 2-3 students in the same age group lead by an adult coach. Teams can also choose to have a team manager and multiple sponsors to fund their projects, registration fees, and overall WRO journey.
Hardware: LEGO® based
Software: Free choice
Maximum size: Max. 20 x 20 x 20 cm
Characteristics: Teams design 2 robots that compete with robots of another team.

With the WRO® RoboSports category we introduce a fun and exciting game where two teams each have two autonomous robots on the field playing a sports game. The robot needs to be built from LEGO® materials, including controller, motors and sensors (MINDSTORMS® NXT or EV3, SPIKE PRIME or Robot Inventor). In addition, teams use a camera of their choice.
The game changes every 3 or 4 years and the current game is Double Tennis. Each year little changes are introduced to motivate the students to keep on developing their robots.

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RoboSports Rules

Future Engineers

Age: 14-19
Team size: 2-3 students in the same age group lead by an adult coach. Teams can also choose to have a team manager and multiple sponsors to fund their projects, registration fees, and overall WRO journey.
Hardware: Free choice
Software: Free choice
Maximum size: Max. 30 x 20 x 30cm
Characteristics: Advanced robotics following current research trends.

With WRO® Future Engineers we created an exciting category for older students. With this new format, we want to bring the current research challenge into schools and teach students an engineering workflow by solving real-world-problems. Teams can use any robot, controller and materials that are in line with the regulations.
The game changes every 3 or 4 years and the current game is all about autonomous driving. The challenge is to build a robot with a steering drive that can drive around a track autonomously. Each year little changes are introduced to motivate the students to keep on developing their robots.

For all specific rules and regulations refer to the General Rules for this category.

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Coming soon

Future Engineers

Age: 14-19
Team size: 2-3 students in the same age group lead by an adult coach. Teams can also choose to have a team manager and multiple sponsors to fund their projects, registration fees, and overall WRO journey.
Hardware: Free choice
Software: Free choice
Maximum size: Max. 30 x 20 x 30cm
Characteristics: Advanced robotics following current research trends.

With WRO® Future Engineers we created an exciting category for older students. With this new format, we want to bring the current research challenge into schools and teach students an engineering workflow by solving real-world-problems. Teams can use any robot, controller and materials that are in line with the regulations.
The game changes every 3 or 4 years and the current game is all about autonomous driving. The challenge is to build a robot with a steering drive that can drive around a track autonomously. Each year little changes are introduced to motivate the students to keep on developing their robots.

For all specific rules and regulations refer to the General Rules for this category.

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Future Engineers Rules

Tackle a New and Challenging Global Sustainability Issue Every Season!

New Challenge Every Year

A new theme is announced annually related to the general thematic area: People, Robots, and Environment. With the theme, changes the challenges, game mats, focused UN SDGs and problem statements, and the project’s scope.

In 2023, the theme was Connecting the World which focused on sustainable shipping logistics and digital infrastructure, In 2022, theme was My Robot, My Friend which focused on sustainable healthcare.

Previous Season

Why A New Theme Every Year?

The objective of the annual theme change is to introduce students to more and more current, emerging, and the future problems we all face or will face as humanity.

Exposing students to these problems not only broadens their horizons but also encourages them to come up with sustainable solutions.

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Innovate, Program and Build Solutions to Live in Harmony with the Nature

Theme 2024: People, Robots and Nature

Teams under the supervision of an adult coach identify problems from the thematic area, brainstorm, conduct research, ideate, experiment and build prototypes to develop creative robotic solutions.

Teams compete with other teams in virtual and physical championships. National Winners proudly represent India in International championships, competing with teams from 90+ nations.

Global theme name for Season 2024 is Earth Allies.

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About World Robot Olympiad

WRO or the World Robot Olympiad is one of the largest STEM and robotics competition for ages 8-19 dedicated to promoting STEM education world-wide in a fun and exciting way through robotics competitions.

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World Robot Olympiad Association

World Robot Olympiad Association is an independent non-profit organization based in Singapore dedicated to promoting STEAM education world-wide via  robotics competitions. It was formed with just 4 member countries in 2004.

Today, the competition that started small in a few Asian countries has expanded to over 85 countries spread over all continents, making WRO a truly global event.

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National Organizer

Since its launch in 2006, WRO competition in India has grown from just 13 teams to more than 1000+ teams in 2023.

India STEM Foundation is the national organizer for WRO in India and National Council of Science Museums, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India supports it.

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International Host

In 2024, the international championship host is Turkey and the event will be held in Izmir, Türkiye in the month of November.

Each year, all interested member countries participate in a bid to become the International championship Host.

India STEM foundation won the bid to host the international World Robot Olympiad championship in India in 2016 which saw a participation of 2,500+ international delegates from over 50 nations. (WRO 2016 Video)

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📞: 093194 00171

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